Sustainable Lumber Spotlight

Posted: February 10, 2015

Dallis and Maggie HunterJust thought we’d spotlight Dallis and Maggie Hunter. Dallis and Maggie manage private ranches and supply all the beetle kill pine timber used for Sustainable Lumber Companies product lines. We couldn’t do what we do without them and just wanted to say thank you!



Dallis and Maggie Hunter – Forest management and sawyer
Dallis started his career in the woods in 1977. Within one year he noticed the need for sustainable forestry and started managing forests on 2 local ranches. A large portion of the salvage timber was unacceptable to the local sawmills due to rot, cracks, splits, etc. Dallis saw the beauty in all the timber and purchased a small sawmill to start rescuing the usable wood. He quickly discovered the beautiful colors created from the Mountain Pine Beetle. To date Dallis has rescued millions of board feet of salvaged timber and left behind a beautifully managed healthy forest. Countless hours of pruning healthy trees, strategically placed snags for wildlife habitat, and hundreds of miles of reseeded forest is the only footprint he leaves behind. The Montana Tree Farm Association recently rewarded Dallis “Logger of the year” for his work in sustainable forestry and land management. Dallis is a faithful father and husband and truly loves what he does. You’ll find him and Maggie working side by side at their sawmill whether it’s -20 or 100 degrees.

Beetle kill pine 014 2013-10-16 11.28.25 Dallis beetle kill pine log deck IMG_0017

Mountain pine beetle kill forest blue stain pine Beetle kill pine planks Large blue stain Ponderosa pine log Beetle kill pine flooring Beetle kill pine plank door blue pine slabs beetle kill pine book match table beetle kill blue stain pine timbers Beetle kill pine logs beetle kill blue stain pine ceiling decking Beetle kill blue stain pine desk

blue stain pine paneling

End Cut Blue Stain Pine Blocks

Logger of the year

Beetle kill pine log deck