Category: Forest Products Industry related
Source – Forest Business Network Over the past 30 years portable thin kerf bandsaw mills have gained a reputation as a valuable asset to small woodlands owners. These easily transported machines are valued for their ease and safety of operation and an ability to economically produce smooth and consistent lumber from any species of tree. […]
Source – USDA A study by researchers at the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory shows that the lowest rates of deforestation and forest carbon emissions occur in global regions with the highest rates of forest product output. Counter intuitively global regions with the highest rates of deforestation and forest carbon emissions rank lowest in […]
Well we’re back from APEC. We had a great time and we’re very encouraged with the potential of exporting our products overseas. As the U.S. economy struggles we are optimistic about sending our Montana made flooring and doors to countries looking to add a piece of the Old West into their homes and businesses. Here […]
We’ve been very blessed to have been invited to APEC this year in Big Sky Montana. What is APEC? APEC Mission Statement- APEC is the premier Asia-Pacific economic forum. The primary goal is to support sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. We are united in our drive to build a dynamic and […]
We’ve recently been fortunate enough to be interviewed from the National Wood Flooring Association’s Green Blog. We are very excited about this opportunity to tell people about our sustainable wide plank flooring and thank the National Wood Flooring Association and Elizabeth Baldwin for this interview. The interview will be posted in June, here is a […]
I’ll admit I’m a bit of a history geek. I find the age of our dead standing timber fascinating, so I googled “history of Montana 300 years ago” and found this. If any of you out there are as much of Montana history geeks as I am you might enjoy this link. Montana’s people 1700-1820
There is an amazing story to be told with salvaged dead standing timber. By purchasing our products you are allowing these trees to be recycled, reused, and remembered. If harvested within 5 years these trees can still be used for wood products and sequester their carbon storage. If not harvested these trees are left to […]
SUSTAINABLE BY DEFINITION: Sustainable (səˈsteɪnəb ə l) – capable of being maintained at a steady level without exhausting natural resources or causing severe ecological damage. We at Sustainable Lumber Company believe in using our natural resources as long as we continue to manage them in a sustainable way. We are very proud to be one of […]