Category: Our Products
Experience the affordability, durability, and incredible quality of our Montana-grown hardwood Douglas Fir flooring, the best-kept secret for builders in Missoula, MT. Check out all our sustainable hardwood flooring options and get a free quote. Montana Wood Flooring – Douglas Fir Douglas Fir trees in Montana grow in a natural, wild environment known for its […]
What is End-Matched Tongue and Groove Flooring & Paneling? End-matched tongue and groove is where a piece of flooring or wall paneling has a slot (the groove) cut all along one edge, and a thin, deep ridge (the tongue) on the opposite edge. This enables the installer to “float” studs or joists and lock each […]
Our exclusive line of Montucky Oak Wall Planks are produced from reclaimed horse farm fencing which have housed and protected some of the most famous race horses in history. Thousands of miles of Oak fencing surround beautiful thoroughbred horse farms in rural Kentucky, the horse capital of the world. Known for it’s durability and resilience, […]
Our Prefabricated Pallet Panels are produced from reclaimed wooden shipping pallets. All of our recycled pallet wood wall cladding is dismantled, cleaned, prefabricated, and graded to our 99% usable prefabricated panel specifications. Each reclaimed pallet wood wall panel board has a story; whether it sailed around the world viewing sites we only dream of or […]
How Do Pine Beetles Kill Trees & How Long Does It Take? The millions of acres of dead pine trees riddled throughout the Western United States and Canada are better known as Beetle Kill Pine. The killer of these trees is the mountain pine beetle which bores into the wood, lays their eggs, and ultimately […]
Prefinished Solid Wood Flooring Sustainable Lumber Co. is a major U.S. supplier of prefinished solid hardwood flooring. We offer an extensive line of authentic wood flooring manufactured from 100% SFI-certified Douglas Fir. Our exclusive lines of sustainable wood flooring have been used across the U.S. from large commercial projects, hotels, resort homes, restaurants, and all the […]
Reclaimed Wall Panels Sustainable Lumber Co. is a major U.S. supplier of sustainably harvested and reclaimed wood planks for walls, T&G paneling, and wall cladding. We pride ourselves on manufacturing and offering exclusive, unique, and innovative sustainable wood wall coverings. There are many options out there, but you’ll be hard-pressed to find such a wide […]
Better than Shiplap, our exclusive line of Skiplap has a nickel gap and is T&G on all 4 sides which makes it a zero waste wood wall cladding. Available in 8 colors, our interlocking wood cladding is easily the highest quality crafted wood wall & ceiling boards on the market. It is packaged in easy-to-handle […]
We carry one of the most unique and eco-friendly floors in the world, hand-scraped Beetle Kill Pine Flooring. Check out our hand-scraped Blue Stain Pine Flooring! Our authentic pine floors are produced from salvaged trees decimated by the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic, available both as unfinished or prefinished. Pine has been used for wood flooring […]
Our Douglas Fir oil-rubbed wood flooring is produced from salvaged and SFI-Certified Douglas Fir. They are custom kiln-dried to a 6-8% moisture content. All our floors feature tongue and groove on all 4 sides. They are quality crafted and visually graded to our 99% usable specifications. Choose from circular-sawn, wire-brushed, or hand-scraped Douglas Fir wood […]
The Mountain Pine Beetle has decimated millions of acres of Pine trees in Western North America. As these trees stand dead in the forest they start to dry out, rot, crack, and split. Salvaging and producing long lengths, wide dimensions, and large timbers used to be a commonality, however as these trees continue to degrade […]
Source: Missoulian Old oak fence posts from a horse pasture in the southern United States, beetle-killed pine trees from near Missoula and unused wood shipping pallets from Kalispell will soon be on their way to a Mennonite community in western Montana for a new lease on life. There, they’ll be milled down into flooring, wall […]
We don’t have many secrets here at Sustainable Lumber Co. We’re not a huge optimized state-of-the-art flooring manufacturer, nor do we want to be. We’re a humble-sized “boutique” manufacturer that custom crafts wood flooring (made in the USA) as they’re ordered. For example, we could produce what other manufacturers call a “hand-scraped” floor, which is […]
Happy New Year from all of us at Sustainable Lumber Co. Thank you for all your business in 2018. We are excited to show you all the new product lines we’ll be introducing this next year, stay tuned! We will be closed Monday December 31st and returning to work on January 2nd. Hope everyone has […]
Watch this great video showing how to install accent wall panels. The video was produced by our client Bend & Sway in Spokane Washington, using our Tongue and Groove Wall Planks. Our 4-square-foot interlocking panels make installating an accent wall quick, clean, and easy. Perfect for the do-it-yourselfer or large-scale commercial project. With the appropriate […]