Category: All News
WHY OUR BLUE-STAIN BEETLE KILL IS CONSIDERED THE BEST IN THE INDUSTRY Our blue Ponderosa Pine lumber is only harvested from severely salvaged dead-standing trees that have been in the forest for up to 5 years. That’s the secret to achieving the wide array of color and character in our blue-pine Beetle Kill lumber These […]
Source: North American Forest Partnership Great short video by North American Forest Partnership showing how trees and forests enhance our lives.
Source: The Guardian Strong, clean and versatile, engineered timber is the ‘new concrete’. With wooden skyscrapers in the offing, could it be the answer to the global housing crisis? There is a miracle building material – one so environmentally friendly that it extracts carbon from the atmosphere rather than adding to it; a stuff with […]
Source: National Forest Foundation Love this video from the National Forest Foundation
Source: Forests filter and clean our water which is essential for people, fish, and wildlife. We all benefit when loggers use Best Management Practices in the forest. Check out this handy infographic detailing different logging benefits!
Spotlight: Mountain Collection Prefinished Douglas Fir Flooring Looking for a low maintenance, inexpensive, rustic, real wood floor? Our circle sawn Mountain Collection is the obvious choice. Ideal in every environment and setting, Douglas Fir is one of the most stable woods used for hardwood flooring in the world. With it’s subtle saw kerfs, rustic texture, 7 […]
Source: Evergreen Magazine What should we say about yesterday’s U.S. Senate failure to fix the Forest Service’s fire borrowing mess within the scope of its landmark two-year budget deal? Do we say that, “Yesterday, February 7, 2018, a date which will live in infamy, the United States Senate suddenly and deliberately attacked the citizens of […]
Source: Sustainable Brands 2017 was marked by devastating forest fires that ravaged large swaths of North America. Millions of acres were scorched, hundreds of thousands of buildings were destroyed, and tens of thousands of people were displaced. California’s Thomas Fire recently slowed its pace, but not before claiming its place in history as the largest, most destructive […]
Source: Treesource Six former chiefs of the Forest Service have written leaders of the U.S. House and Senate expressing the urgent need to establish a new method of funding wildland firefighting. The Forest Service and Department of Interior, they said, are alone among federal agencies in being forced to finance catastrophic emergency operations – fighting […]
Source: Missoula Current With the deadline to submit comments on salvage work proposed for the Rice Ridge fire looming, Missoula County commissioners will likely urge the Lolo National Forest to do its best to balance the ecological impacts with sensible economic opportunities as it moves toward a decision. Commissioners on Wednesday attempted to finalize a letter of […]
Source: The Forest Blog by Russ Vaagen Our federal forests suffer from the chicken and egg conundrum. The Forest Service has reduced its harvest volumes over the last 30 years, which drastically changed the landscape of the forest industry. Now we have large voids where mills used to dot the map. We currently face a […]
Source: Floor Coverings International Douglas Fir is an exceptional and undervalued wood flooring species. Much maligned for its low score on the Janka hardness test, Douglas Fir makes up for this with many other positive qualities. Our hand-scraped Douglas Fir wood floors are an excellent option for reclaimed wood flooring, which will add style and […]
Source: Medium by Russ Vaagen Do you know the difference between interests and positions? Have you ever thought about why that might be helpful in your life or business? Knowing the difference between the two and how to apply it can be transformative. You see, they seem similar, but they are very different. Being able […]
Source: Helena Independent Record by: Holly Michels Although Montana has turned a corner on the number of new forested acres infested with bark beetles, there’s concern that one particular type of bug that thrives in burned trees could make a comeback after the summer’s massive fires. “When trees get fire-scorched they may not die, but […]
Source: University of Washington STORY BY DEANNA DUFF Cross-laminated timber could ‘forge new links between lands and people’ A new type of wood reduces atmospheric carbon, can be made of damaged trees, is fire-resistant and is easy to produce could revive the depressed economies in Washington’s rural timber communities. Trees line the Madison Park neighborhood that […]