Category: All News
Find out what could undermine the plans to cut carbon emissions in the US. Source: Washington Post We tend to have a greatly oversimplified view of the planet’s carbon problem — and therefore, of what we have to do to solve it. The general notion is that it’s all about fossil fuels, and so if we stop […]
Source: Inside Sources There are few things Democrats and Republicans in Washington can agree upon. One is that the western wildfire problem has gotten out of control. From the overwhelming firefighting costs to the amount of acres at high fire risk due to challenges of drought, insects and fuels build-up, the issue has ballooned like […]
Source: Montana Wood Products Assoc. Forests Should Be For Everyone The national forests belong to all of our nation’s citizens and are managed by the United States Forest Service. The harvesting of trees to meet citizens’ daily needs is only one of the many uses of our forests. The forests also provide gas, oil, and […]
Every year we like to pick a favorite project based on pictures submitted by our customers. This year’s winner was in Mississippi. This happy customer purchased our new Rustic Collection Douglas Fir flooring in our Barnwood color. See their hardwood floor renovation below, as well as the specs of the flooring. SPECIES – Local salvaged […]
Introducing our Stonewash rustic gray hardwood floors! The newest color in our Rustic Collection family of Fir flooring. Our Rustic Collection accentuates weathered grain patterns, nail holes, and organic characteristics. Our 7-step finishing process includes hand-rubbed penetrating oils and a durable low/no VOC protective finish coat. Stone washing is a proprietary process that transforms our […]
Source: National Geographic THE BUGS THAT EAT PINE TREES One chilly morning in October 2013, Diana Six parked her white Subaru at the edge of a pine forest in southwestern Montana’s Big Hole Valley. Beneath snow-tipped peaks, lodgepole pines in four different colors draped the hillside—a timeline of carnage. The gray ones, now just trunks […]
Source: Daily Mail These black and white photos capture the arduous lives and history of lumberjacks and the logging industry in the 1800s. Lumberjacks back then felled enormous trees using only hand tools and brute strength. Lumberjack style has recently come back in vogue, with city slickers and suburbanites donning the flannel shirts of the […]
Source: Mother Nature Network By: Starre Vartan The numbers are in. In the United States, which contains 8 percent of the world’s forests, there are more trees than there were 100 years ago. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), “Forest growth nationally has exceeded harvest since the 1940s. By 1997, forest growth exceeded harvest […]
Just completed this project with Urban BBQ Company in Linthicum, Maryland. Featured is our Pre-Fab Wood Wall Panels. Looking for great BBQ, cold beer, and great atmosphere; then swing on in.
Source: Forest carbon sequestration is a fanciful term for how much carbon capture there is in a given forest. In other words, what is the carbon storage in a forest? There really is no rule of thumb figure that can describe just how much carbon a forest can capture and store. It depends on […]
Finished up this great remodel with KJN Builders out of Waukesha, WI. The client Nordco was looking to add some warmth with an industrial rustic design to their office space. Featured here is our All Natural Prefab Pallet Wood Panels. Each panel is 4 square feet with no repeating pattern. Installation is quick, clean, and easy; […]
Source: Payson Roundup Wildfires ignite political firestorm centered on faster forest thinning, budget reforms The U.S. Forest Service remains in something approaching bureaucratic and budget meltdown, with wildfires torching the budget and thinning projects languishing. Forest Service officials have appealed to Congress to completely overhaul the wildfire budget, to keep the predictable disaster of each […]
Just completed this beautiful project with Plexus R+D Architectural Interiors out of Atlanta. Featured here is our salvaged beetle kill pine used for accent walls throughout the restaurant Eight Sushi Lounge. If you’re in Atlanta and in the mood for great Sushi with a stunning atmosphere drop on in: Eight Sushi Lounge 930 Howell Mill […]
Source: Trees and lumber are almost entirely made up of carbon. This is a very good thing when it comes to the environment. Trees are one of nature’s most efficient carbon sinks. Lumber is like a carbon Tupperware. The more carbon that is stored in the form of lumber the less CO2 is in […]