Summer Special, Reclaimed Wind Fence Planks
Summer Special, 30% off for a limited time only! Now only $3.99 per square foot + shipping. Time crafted from years of natural elements like snow, wind, rain, and sun. Rescued from working farms and ranches, our Reclaimed Wind Fence Wall Planks are 100% all natural;...
read moreUrban forests, and their rural cousins, help cities mitigate climate change
Soruce: Treesource Can innovative wood products and humans’ innate need to interact with nature help cities across the country achieve their commitments under the Paris climate accord? More than 400 U.S. mayors and cities have signed the Paris Accords, but do they...
read moreSustainable Forestry and Selective Harvesting
Source: WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY & SELECTIVE HARVESTING Smart Loggers maintain sustainable forests by practicing selective logging and sustainable wood harvesting. Timber is a renewable resource, this fact makes forest timber products one of the...
read moreSustainable Wood Flooring
Trees are our breathing partners. You may not live in a forest, but you need trees in order to live. People and animals depend on trees and plants for oxygen. As you breathe in, your body uses oxygen. As you breathe out, it gives off carbon dioxide. Trees do just the...
read moreFeature: Hand Scraped Wood Flooring
Spotlight: Vintage Collection Douglas Fir Flooring Unlike other "hand scraped" flooring on the market, ours is actually scraped by hand with no power tools. Every floor is custom made per order, typical lead times are approx 4 weeks. Specs: SPECIES - Salvaged and...
read moreEvolution of our Beetle Kill Pine Products
The Mountain Pine Beetle has decimated millions of acres of Pine trees in Western North America. As these trees stand dead in the forest they start to dry out, rot, crack, and split. Salvaging and producing long lengths, wide dimensions, and large timbers used to be a...
read moreCalifornia governor pledges to double forest thinning, burning to reduce wildfire risk
Source: Treesource California Governor Jerry Brown vowed last week to step up efforts to make forests more resilient to drought and wildfire by allocating more dollars toward thinning projects and prescribed burns. Brown said he will carve out $96 million as part of...
read moreMemorial Day Sale
Memorial Day Sale!!! Reclaimed Wind Fence Prefabricated Wall Panels now $6.99 per sq.ft. + shipping, only 1230 sq.ft. available. Prefabricated 5 square feet interlocking panels makes installation quick, clean, and easy. Perfect for the do-it-yourselfer or large scale...
read moreSenators intro bill to double forest restoration funding
Source: News Channel 21 WASHINGTON - A bipartisan group of senators, led by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID), announced the introduction Friday of legislation that would reauthorize and expand the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program....
read moreOld-Growth Is Great, But Here’s Why We Need New-Growth Forests, Too
Source: All About Birds by Scott Weidensaul If there’s been a central, unquestioned tenet of bird conservation in the past quarter-century, it’s been the absolute importance of large, intact tracts of mature woodland. As populations of species such as Wood Thrush,...
read moreForest Thinning Can Prevent Fires, Save Water, Study Finds
Source: Courthouse News Service (CN) – Better forest management would not only prevent wildfires but could serve as a valuable water-conservation tool, according to a study published Tuesday. California could save billions of gallons annually by undertaking...
read moreEnvironmentalists plan logging to restore California’s redwood forests
Source: Mercury News Environmentalists who have fought loggers for generations have a surprising new strategy to save California’s storied old-growth redwood forests: Sustainable Logging. Save the Redwoods League, a venerable San Francisco organization that has...
read more50 Million Trees for our Forests
Source: National Forest Foundation In 2018, National Forest Foundation is launching a campaign to plant 50 million trees on our National Forests. Natural disasters such as wildfire, insects and disease...
read moreSpring Inventory Reduction Sale, 30% off Reclaimed Wood Planks
Spring inventory reduction sale! For a limited time only we are celebrating Spring with 30% off our Reclaimed Wind Fence Wall Planks, now only $3.99 per square foot + shipping. Click here for delivered pricing to your project What is Wind Fencing? Time crafted from...
read moreTen myths about forests and logging
Source: Daily Pressby, MSU Extension Forester, Bill Cook 10 Myths About Trees & Deforestation Working every year with hundreds of school kids and various public groups, several misconceptions, underlying assumptions, or “myths” seem to bubble up to the surface on...
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